COMPOSITION DEFINITION: The way in which you arrange the different parts of a photograph. In this photograph different things have been arranged on different third lines. The bag has been placed in front of Sean Connery's foot who is sat along one of the third lines. The board and the post lies on a third line as well as the beach, the sky and the sea on the left hand side of the picture. This shows that Annie has considered composition when taking this photograph.
Photo Composition Rules:
FACTUAL: This is a photograph by Annie Leibovitz of Sean Connery, a famous Scottish actor who has starred in seven James Bond movies. Annie has taken many pictures of celebrities including Anne Hathaway, Johnny Depp, Meryl Streep and of course Sean Connery.
The CONTEXT: This photograph is set on a beach that has clear blue water and a blue sky above it. The sand dune is lined with long green plants which lead away behind Sean. He is sitting in the place that your eye natural goes to and because he is leaning on the post it makes him stand out even more. In this picture Sean isn't looking towards the camera, he is looking into the distance which makes us wonder what his eyes can see. Annie has a tendency to take her photographs with unusual and exciting backgrounds which interest the viewer to the extent that people start to read into the picture, she also creates an interesting foreground with a model dressed up in interesting clothes. This photograph fits in with some of her other pictures because the models are usually sitting down in different and exciting places and positions, but quite a lot of the photographs I have seen have fantasy settings with princesses and Disney characters.
TECHNICAL: I think this photograph was taken with a DSLR camera to make sure the picture is sharp. I think Annie will have used something to make sure the sun wasn't shining directly on Sean to avoid any rays reflecting into the camera. In the photograph Annie will have used specific lighting. In the picture that shows Annie taking the photograph there looks like there is some sort of sheet to block some of the sun and shade Sean's body. What Sean is wearing is simple but effective, it is casual beach wear.
AESTHETICS: I really like this photo because the colours go well together and the grass on the left outlines the photo and makes the edge busy. The photograph is appealing especially to the female eye because of Sean, who goes well in this photo because like the sea he is calm and relaxed. Annie has put a lot of thought into this picture, because of the time of day that this picture was taken the clouds are filling up a certain amount of the sky making it look busy. They also lead away from over the long grass to near the dark horizon.
The Rule of Thirds: The human eye is naturally drawn to a certain point, and this point is about two-thirds up a picture. So by putting the main attraction in one of the points that the eye goes to follows the rule and makes an eye catching photo. But sometimes by putting the main attraction in the centre, therefore not following the rule, can have an interesting effect. The red crosses on the picture below show the points that your eye naturally goes to, the other picture is a photograph which follows by the rule of thirds.

The Diagonal Rule: One side of a picture is divided into two and then each half is divided into three parts. The important elements are put on these lines. Diagonal lines lead the eye in and in this picture the main line almost cuts the picture in half.
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